Why I Believe in Chocolate

Ahhh chocolate. The delectable, melt in your mouth goodness. “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.”  Theobroma cacao is the Latin name for the cacao tree and actually means “food of the gods”.  Throughout history chocolate has been highly valued. For centuries in early Latin America, the cacao bean could even be used as currency.

According to this Smithsonian article, “Both the Mayans and Aztecs believed the cacao bean had magical, or even divine, properties, suitable for use in the most sacred rituals of birth, marriage and death.”

This could’ve been me! If only I had found a golden ticket! ↓

Dark chocolate is healthy and contains a lot of minerals and antioxidants. The overly processed chocolates with a disgusting amount of wax, milk, and sugar obviously aren’t going to be good for you.

Don’t you just love Beatrice’s secret to longevity?!

The history and health benefits of chocolate are cool, but more importantly, chocolate is good for morale. Chocolate has a special gift for boosting your mood. Helping you feel that everything is going to be OK. It can also be glamorous to indulge in some fine chocolates. It’s so important to allow ourselves to enjoy the simple things in life. Take your time. Enjoy every bite.

What J.K. Rowling wrote on Pottermore is absolutely perfect;

“The mood-enhancing properties of chocolate are well known in both the Muggle and wizard worlds. Chocolate is the perfect antidote for anyone who has been overcome in the presence of Dementors, which suck hope and happiness out of their surroundings.

Chocolate can only be a short-term remedy, however. Finding ways to fight off Dementors – or depression – are essential if one is to become permanently happier. Excessive chocolate consumption cannot benefit either Muggle or wizard.”

Below is a great video about a girl, chocolate, and WWII. It’s an incredibly moving story.



Chocolate is wonderful. It’s delicious for the soul. I believe in chocolate.






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