15 Zero Waste Bathroom Tips

“Here is your country. Cherish these natural wonders,
cherish the natural resources, cherish the history and romance as a sacred heritage,
for your children and your children’s children.
Do not let selfish men or greedy interests skin your country of its beauty, its riches or its romance.”

– Theodore Roosevelt

The motto “progress not perfection” is something we should all remember in life. Especially when it comes to striving for a zero waste lifestyle. It’s OKAY to not live 100% zero waste, it’s also AWESOME if you are able to fully live a zero waste life. It’s about progress. If your feeling intimidated, try swapping just one thing in your life to a zero waste alternative. Every little bit of trash you can save from the landfill helps. Not to mention all the waste that ends up in the ocean, littering beaches and harming marine life. 

Here are 15 tips to have a zero waste bathroom:

(note: nothing on here is sponsored, affiliate links or any of that crap. Just stuff I like and recommend.)

1. Bamboo toothbrush.
About 1 billion toothbrushes are discarded each year in the US alone. That’s a lot of plastic waste that will never decompose. Bamboo toothbrushes are awesome because you can recycle the bristles and compost the handle. Plus they look really cool! Check your local health food store or amazon.

2. Tooth powder.
Brushing your teeth with a DIY tooth powder is a great zero waste alternative. You’ll be avoiding artificial and toxic ingredients AND it’s so much cheaper than buying toothpaste. Unfortunately I haven’t found a good dental floss yet. There are kinds that are biodegradable, but the ones I’ve used have shredded like crazy and don’t glide as nicely as the oral b kind.

3. Bar soap.
You can easily find package free bar soap at health food stores or from local soap makers. I use this instead of liquid hand soap. There are shampoo bars you can get, which are awesome if you have short hair, but a hassle to use on long hair.

4. Handkerchiefs.
I wrote a whole post on why handkerchiefs are awesome.

5. Bidet.
If you got dog poop on your hand, there’s no way you would wipe it off with a dry paper towel! You would totally wash it off haha. Bidets save a ridiculous amount of toilet paper, plus your bum will never have been so fresh and so clean clean. I use this $25 bidet that easily attaches to your toilet. It was a little weird using it for the first few times haha, but Donovan and I have zero regrets about getting it. All pros, no cons.

6. Recycled toilet paper.
I use small amounts of tp because I’m not hardcore enough to use a “family cloth” haha.  It is absolutely horrendous that trees are being cut down, only to be flushed down the toilet. Single use disposable items should only be made from recycled materials, or avoided all together. I like the Natural Value brand toilet paper. It’s made from 100% recycled paper, the packaging is recyclable, it’s affordable, and they don’t use chlorine or other toxic stuff when manufacturing it. I buy it from Natural Grocers and it’s about $2.99 for a pack of 4 large rolls.

PER DAY in the US alone: “100 million rolls of toilet paper used resulting in… 41 thousand trees pulped… 1.3 billion gallons of water consumed to produce the paper… 693 tons of chlorine applied in the bleaching process… 47 thousand megawatt-hours of electricity wasted.” (mercola.com)

7. Menstrual cup.
Using a cup has been the best thing that has ever happened to my periods. There are so many benefits to this, I should probably write a post about it. I use the lady cup.

8. Reusable cotton rounds/balls.
These are so easy to make! I bought some purple flannel fabric for about a dollar. I cut it into squares then sewed two pieces together like you would when making bean bags. I use them to remove makeup, apply toner etc. I wash them along with the bath towels. They don’t fall apart like the disposables and are softer. Not to mention all the negative impacts cotton can have on the environment. (Statistics here.)

9. Recycle.
If you have some products that come in containers, just make sure to recycle them. Donovan and I use and love this shower gel instead of bar soap. It doesn’t dry out our skin like bar soap does and it’s nicer to shave my legs with. We also use it to wash our dogs. It’s natural, it lasts us quite awhile, then we recycle it. I haven’t found a good, natural shampoo and conditioner yet. If you wear contacts, just recycle what you can and don’t stress about it.

10. Shaving cream alternative. 
Donovan uses coconut oil instead of shaving cream. He says, “It will leave your skin feeling more moist afterwards, there’s no crap in it, it’s 100% natural.”

11. DIY deodorant.
Donovan uses plain baking soda as deodorant and I make my own deodorant paste. Both actually work better than regular deodorant!

12. Compost.
Some people stop using q tips all together, but I have slight q tip addiction. I make sure to buy the kind with a cardboard middle so they can biodegrade. Avoid the plastic centered ones. This is really gross, but you can compost your hair and nail clippings.

13. DIY skincare.
I make my own cleanser (recipe here). Bentonite clay and raw honey both make great face masks.

14. Multipurpose items.
Try using things that have multiple uses. I use jojoba oil to moisturize my face and my hair. Baking soda can be used for brushing teeth, deodorant, facial scrub, and cleaning your bathroom to name a few. Coconut oil can be used for oil pulling, as a body moisturizer, deep conditioning treatment etc.

15. Quality tools.
Use quality tools that will last forever (or at least a very long time haha). I adore my Mason Pearson hair brush, which was ridiculously expensive but worth every penny. Get a stainless steel nail file instead of emery boards. A lot of zero wasters love the single blade safety razor, I haven’t tried that yet though.

I don’t have any recommendations for zero waste makeup. Just use up beauty products you have, then buy less in the future. You don’t need a million products to be beautiful or get the job done.

Thank you for reading this. I really appreciate it! I hope that you found this info helpful. If you have any questions you can ask me over on instagram

Peace & Love,
Kayla Oliver


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Flash Flood Waterfalls in Hellhole Canyon


A rare occasion. Results of a perfect situation. Flash flooding occurs from prolonged heavy rains in the desert. It creates absolutely massive waterfalls on the sandstone cliffs in Hellhole canyon. Majestic. Breathtaking. Exhilarating. Southern Utah is a wonderful place.

We hiked into the canyon in the pouring rain. Temperatures just above freezing on the desert floor, with snow falling in the higher elevations. There is nothing in the world quite like storms in the desert. Plants graciously welcome each raindrop. Giving thanks, the landscape becomes exceptionally vivid in color. Wildlife rejoices. A refreshing, sacred scent fills the air. Those willing to venture into nature during less than ideal conditions, are generously rewarded with beauty that can’t accurately be described. As you show respect to mother nature, you momentarily become one with the Earth.

(Warning: If you are going to hike anywhere there is a risk of flash floods, you need to be extremely cautious.)


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How I Paid Off Over $13,000 of Debt in One Year


My hands were shaking as I sat at the computer and got my final student loan payment ready. Queen’s “We are the Champions” was playing loudly as I made my last dang payment. I jumped up in the air, a rush of adrenaline overtook me. A huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I did it!! I poomed* my student loan debt! Tears filled my eyes. I didn’t realize that I’d have so many emotions. A two hour solo dance party followed in my living room. (Seriously. I actually danced for two hours, by myself, while my dogs gave me weird judgmental looks.)

I feel accomplished. I feel excited about what this year will hold. I feel free! It seemed like i’d never get it paid off, and now it’s finally here and it feels better than I even imagined! I can chase after my dreams more this year without debt holding me back. My student loans were a nuisance, good riddance! 

Total paid in 2016 on my student loans: $13,429.16
Our total income for 2016: $37,000
Percent we lived off of: 40%
The other 60% of our income went to charity, investments, savings, and to my student loans.

Note: if you want to know anything more in depth, just leave me a comment on here or on instagram. I will either comment back or write a whole blog post for you.

I consider myself luxuriously frugal. It’s all about knowing what your priorities are. As Paula Pant says, “you can afford anything, but not everything”. It’s important to decide where you are willing to be extremely frugal, and what luxuries you like to have in life. You don’t need to live like a hobo in order to pay off debt quickly.

You need less than you think. You can live a really great life on very little money.

Take action. Be a go-getter. Be dedicated. Be tenacious. Make it happen. Challenge yourself. Lose the “I deserve it” attitude and learn to say no to yourself.
You got yourself into debt, now get the heck out of it!

You can apply these tips to paying off any kind of debt, not just student loans. Or if you don’t have any debt, use these tips to build up your savings.

How to pay off debt

Short version: Cut your expenses, bring in more money, and pay as much as you possibly can on your debt. It’s really quite simple.

Long version: ↓↓↓



“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.”
– Thomas Jefferson

• Be charitable. It’s a universal law that the more you genuinely give, the more you receive. I strongly suggest that you start donating at least 10% of your income to charity. If you are feeling like, “WTF Kayla, I’m so broke as it is! There’s no way I can donate any portion of my money to charity! You’re crazy girl!”… then you my friend, can’t afford NOT to give some money to charity. Seriously trust me on this! Please just try it out. I challenge you!

• Focus on your blessings. Keep a gratitude journal. Write down at least 3 things you are thankful for every single day. Have perspective. Recognize when something is a “first world problem”, then stop complaining and realize how freaking blessed you are!

• Have an abundance mindset. There is plenty more where that came from. Ditch the scarcity mentality.

• Let go of limiting beliefs. Let go of what you think is impossible.

• Budget every single month. Pay everything you think you can to your debt, then pay even more.

• Check your bank account every day. Take control of your finances and your life.

• Think about WHY you want to get out of debt.


Cut expenses:

• Cut every expense possible! Use the concept the power of half. It’s easy and effective! Here is a list of 30 things I don’t buy anymore. After you’ve lowered your expenses, lower them even more and work on eliminating expenses. 

• Live in an affordable house. (Move somewhere cheaper, get a roommate, live with your parents etc) Small and inexpensive homes are cool!

• Spend less on food. Cook from scratch. Don’t buy junk and packaged foods. Stop eating out so much. Don’t waste food. Eating a healthy plant based diet is important to me. Regardless of what most people think, it doesn’t need to cost an arm and a leg. Nor do you need to slave away in the kitchen daily. My husband and I spend between $75-$150 per month on groceries, for both of us!


Embrace minimalism & a zero waste lifestyle:

• Start using reusables instead of disposables. It’ll save you loads of money, and it’s way better for the environment! Win win.

• Stop buying crap! Only buy the things you actually need. There’s more to life than acquiring possessions. Become aware of why you shop.

• I didn’t buy people gifts in 2016 (with a few exceptions). I did have more reasons than just finances of why I didn’t buy gifts. My 5 year old niece called me out on it at her birthday party haha. No one else seemed to notice or care though.


Enjoy life (frugally):

It’s so important to still live your life as fully as possible when paying off debt. You never now how much time you are going to be given. Make the most of your life, but do it frugally so you can make major financial progress. If you go too extreme on a spending freeze, most likely you will feel deprived and end up counteracting all of your progress with a shopping spree. I know this from experience haha.

• We do a lot of free activities. We only went to the movie theater once in 2016… to see Fantastic Beasts of course. We have state park and national parks passes, which does cost money each year, but it’s totally worth it for us. If you need ideas, here is a list of 50 free things you can do.

• We still traveled, but we did so as cheaply as possible. I’ve read about people who didn’t travel at all for a couple of years in order to pay off their debts. I couldn’t do that. I would legit go insane if I didn’t travel and adventure often. I will probably write a whole blog post on traveling frugally.

• Living a healthy lifestyle will save you a lot of money in the moment and in the long run. Don’t drink or do drugs kids.


Get more money:

• Sell and donate your stuff. Check out man vs. debt for some really good info.

• Ask for money instead of gifts. Use it to pay down your debt.

• Get a part time job, start a side business, or increase what you earn from your current job.

• Correct your mistakes. You are human and will inevitably make mistakes. Recognize when you’ve made a mistake, then do whatever you can to fix it and learn from it. Return impulse purchases. Sell items that you can’t return. I paid cash for an old motorhome last year. It was awesome but the maintenance on it was much more than I anticipated. After realizing my mistake that maybe an RV wasn’t right for me at that point in my life, I posted it on craigslist and sold it for a profit. So my “mistake” actually turned into a money maker.

I hope that you have found this information to be helpful. If you really want to change your financial life, you can! You got this. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for reading this and for visiting The Bohemian Life. 

Peace & Love
– Kayla Oliver


*Poomed is a word that my little brother used when he was 3-4 years old. Our mom had cancer and he wanted to “poom” the cancer. Synonyms for it could be, defeat, kick in the butt, slayed etc… it was funny and tender when he used that word, and now it’s become a regular in my vocabulary.

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Mojave Desert Joshua Tree Road

I wanna feel sunlight on my face.
I see the dust-cloud
Disappear without a trace.
I wanna take shelter
From the poison rain
Where the streets have no name
– U2


My husband, my brother, and myself all bought a house together back in 2011. Now today, that era has sadly come to an end. My brother Cody moved to Seattle this morning. I’m not gonna lie, I’ve been sobbing ALL. DAY. LONG. I know I’m probably a bit more sensitive/dramatic than others… but I really am going to miss sharing a house with my brother! Today seems like the perfect day to share the pictures from my Mojave Desert Joshua Tree Road Scenic Backway adventure. U2’s album The Joshua Tree was released almost 30 years ago on the day Cody was born. We both love the band and the album.

This scenic backway is in the southwest corner of Utah, near the Arizona and Nevada borders. The gravel road is a little less than 20 miles long. The scenery is diverse and wonderful! I will most definitely be driving this road again soon.


Desert sky
Dream beneath a desert sky
The rivers run but soon run dry
We need new dreams tonight


We’re beaten and blown by the wind
Trampled in dust.
I’ll show you a place
High on a desert plain
Where the streets have no name
– U2

I believe in the Kingdom Come
Then all the colors will bleed into one
Bleed into one
But yes, I’m still running
– U2

Sleep comes like a drug
In God’s country
Sad eyes, crooked crosses
In God’s country
– U2

We turn away to face the cold, enduring chill
As the day begs the night for mercy love
The sun so bright it leaves no shadows
Only scars carved into stone
On the face of earth
The moon is up and over One Tree Hill
We see the sun go down in your eyes
– U2

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25 Ways to Survive the Winter Blues

I try really hard to be present and enjoy each season of the year. I do alright at it for awhile, but then in January, the inevitable hits. I get those dang winter blues! I’ve tried using special light bulbs that mimic the sun, only to have them cause headaches. It seems like I buy more houseplants every year, only to have them wither away just like my soul in my cold, dark house. A tropical vacation is the perfect solution to the winter blues, but unfortunately it isn’t always feasible. So instead, here are 25 free and inexpensive tips to help us through!

1. Ditch the dark colors and wear white or bright colored clothing. Opting for a Hawaiian shirt is even more epic.

2. Drink a green piña colada smoothie. (coconut milk, spinach, pineapple, frozen banana)

3. Listen to some island music. Te Vaka, some steel drum awesomeness, or The Beach Boys are all good choices.

4. Put on some bronzer.

5. Dance! Try hula or salsa if you want to be extra cool.

6. Wear some seashells or other beach inspired jewelry.

7. Get outside! (this is probably the most important tip)

8. Eat more fruit.

9. Paint your fingers/toes a fun summery color.

10. Embrace winter and do a fun winter activity.

11. Open your curtains and blinds every morning. Let there be light!

12. Drink ginger tea daily. It is warming and calming.

13. Sport some hot pink lipstick.

14. Watch a relaxing ocean waves video.

15. Go inside a garden center greenhouse. It’ll be warm with plenty of green plants all around.

16. Remember that winter is only temporary. It will pass… eventually.

17. Wear a tropical fragrance.

18. Go swimming in an indoor pool, sit in a hot tub, or take a hot shower/bath.

19. Do something creative.

20. Turn the heat up a couple of degrees in your house, or sit in front of a space heater (which I am totally doing right now).

21. Watch a movie like Pirates of the Caribbean or another summer favorite.

22. Deep clean your house. A clean home is a happy home.

23. Cook a new recipe. Possibly something like coconut mango rice or teriyaki rice with pineapple and broccoli.

24. Use coconut oil to moisturize your skin.

25. Do something kind for someone else.


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Make it Happen

“You can’t just sit there and wait for people to give you that golden dream.

You’ve got to get out there and make it happen for yourself.”
– Diana Ross

The work day was over and the sun was soon setting. We quickly put on our hiking boots and took off to Snow Canyon State Park. Feeling thankful to live in beautiful Southern Utah with so many hiking trails close by. It’s so important to make time for the little things, especially if you are really busy! Spend time in nature. Breathe in the fresh air. Enjoy the sunset. Be present with the ones you love. Show up for your own life. Get up, get out, get going. No excuses. Don’t sit around waiting for perfect scenarios to magically appear. You’ve got to go out there and make it happen.

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Why Handkerchiefs are Awesome

Handkerchiefs are one of those old things that have got lost in time and are now a bit unconventional. Which is unfortunate because handkerchiefs are awesome! Now, you may be feeling the same way about handkerchiefs as I previously did, “Ew! Gross! Why on earth would I want to blow my nose on a dirty piece of cloth that has a weeks worth of snot crusted onto it?!”

I pity my uneducated, uninformed self of the past. To my surprise, using a handkerchief actually isn’t gross at all! I use a clean hankie each day, and DON’T actually blow my nose on the same section of the hankie twice (until it’s washed that is). I wish I’d known how cool they are sooner!

Handkerchiefs have been around for many, many years. Aside from the obvious use of personal hygiene, they have been used in ceremonies, for signaling, in dances, and to carry things in etc. But that all changed in the 20th century.

The downfall of the handkerchief. In 1924 the Kleenex was introduced as a way for women to remove cold cream. Within a few years they were being used and marketed as disposable hankies. (You can read more about the history of Kleenex here, it is actually quite interesting. You could also google “kleenex 1920’s advertisements” to see some cool adverts.) Society had become germ-a-phobic and saw handkerchiefs as unsanitary. Which is understandable considering they lived through the Spanish influenza outbreak of 1918.


Handkerchiefs are softer and more durable than tissues. Trust me, your nose will appreciate this!

• They are way better for the environment. The negative impacts of disposable tissues on the environment could be a whole blogpost of its own. To keep it simple… by using handkerchiefs you’ll; save trees, save water, avoid processing plants pollution, chemicals, and toxins, and produce less waste etc.

• Save money! Lets assume your household buys a pack of 13 handkerchiefs for $13 instead of using a $2 box of tissues per month. The hankies will pay for themselves in less than 7 months, and can be used for years to come. You’ll have even more savings if you make the handkerchiefs yourself. 

• It’s chic and chivalrous. Imagine sitting at the movie theater, crying over some romantic film. Wouldn’t you rather dry your eyes with a beautiful embroidered hankie with lace trim, instead of a tissue that shreds to pieces in your hand? Or if you are a guy you can kindly come to a ladies rescue by offering her a clean hankie of your own. I could go on and on with examples, but I won’t, because I think you get the idea. 

• They are multipurpose. Blow your nose, wipe away tears, use as a towel to dry your hands, wipe sweat from your forehead, or on a hot summer day you can dampen it with cold water and place on the back of your neck to cool down. The Rural Economist has a really great blogpost called 30 Reasons to Carry a Handkerchief. You should check it out for more info.

I wash my handkerchiefs either with bath towels, or a load of clothes. It hardly effects the laundry load size. They dry very quickly on a clothe’s line or in the dryer. It’s really not a big deal to launder them. I don’t bother with ironing them like some people do though. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

There are so many handkerchief options on Amazon. Absolutely beautiful women’s hankies, plain white ones, dapper manly hankies, organic cotton and other eco-friendly options. You might be able to find some at a local store, or you can always make your own.

I’m embarrassed to admit that I was really nervous to start using handkerchiefs. Donovan and I have been using them for a year now and have zero regrets about making the switch. We wish we would’ve started using them years ago!

Friends, it’s time to stop wasting your money on those scratchy tissues and start using a hankie!  Together we can nix the misconceptions about using “snot rags” haha.

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The Power of Half Concept

This concept is simple, and amazingly effective! And as we all know, simplicity is awesome.
To quote Sir Isaac Newton,

“Truth is ever to be found in simplicity,
and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things.”

Use the power of half, to receive more. Cut your usage and consumption in half, and be rewarded with double.

Example: If you use half the amount of dish soap that you normally use, your current bottle will now give you double what it previously did. You will be cutting your spending on dish soap in half, while getting twice as much!

By doing this, you can cut your spending in half without using coupons or drastically changing your lifestyle… just start using less!


Things you can cut in half:

  • shower gel
  • laundry detergent
  • shampoo & conditioner
  • basically all toiletries
  • cleaning products
  • if you get any beauty services done, do them half as often
  • cut the amount of your subscriptions in half
  • cut showering time in half
  • replace half (or all) of milk or broth in recipes with water

Remove half of the light bulbs in your house. You will still be getting plenty of light and probably won’t even notice the difference. You’ll automatically cut your electricity bill for lighting in half, it’ll be better for your circadian rhythm, and you’ll have less replacement light bulbs to buy in the future. At night when you turn on the lights, only turn on half of what you would usually turn on. You probably don’t need a lamp and a ceiling light on at the same time.

If you have kids, cut the amount of their activities in half. They are probably over-committed and over worked anyways. Kids need free time to just be kids.

When you turn on the water faucet, try turning it only half way to where you normally would. For most things you don’t need that much water spouting out. You can easily wash your hands with very little water.

If you do have grass, mow your lawn half as often. It’ll free up time, and it’s healthier for the grass. You’ll be using half as much gasoline or electricity. If the grass is a bit longer then it retains moisture and you won’t have to water as much, and it prevents the sun from scorching the roots.

Cut your amount of vehicles you own in half. You will save so much money! If you are a one car family and it’s not practical for you to go car free, try going car light.

Cut back on how often you go to the grocery store and do other errands. Cut your time wasters in half. Do laundry half as often.

Spend less on gifts, be present more.
Talk less, listen more.
Complain less, give thanks more.
Watch less TV, read more.
Eat out less, eat healthy foods more.

Obviously use your best judgement with this. DON’T start eating less fruits and veggies, or drinking half us much water haha. Also, make sure you aren’t cutting things so much that they aren’t able to effectively do their job, like soap. This shouldn’t be a problem though, as most people currently use way more product than they need to be using.

Reduce and simplify.

If you have less stuff in your house, it’s less to clean. You’ll have less stress, more free time, and more money.

If you want to take it to the next level try completely cuttings things out instead of just cutting in half. Replace disposables with reusables. Use handkerchiefs instead of tissues. A reusable water bottle instead of plastic water bottles. Washcloths or rags instead of paper towels etc. Click here for more ideas.

“If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set,
then there’d be peace.”
― John Lennon

By consuming less, you will receive more. When you consume less, you can give more. Consuming less means you’ll have less of a negative impact on the environment.
Consume less, be more.

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Zion in December

“What good is the warmth of summer,
without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.”

― John Steinbeck, Travels with Charley: In Search of America


Winter in Zion National Park is always spectacular! These photos are from two different days I spent in Zion December 2016. A day after heavy rains and flash flooding, the sun was shining brightly with a brilliant blue sky. Waterfalls that only appear following heavy rainfall can be see in a few of these pictures. The other day was towards the end of the month, a few days after a snowstorm.



“A cold wind was blowing from the north, and it made the trees rustle like living things.”
― George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones

I watched in awe at this scene for many moments. Notice how the waterfall gently lands onto that blanket of snow!

Can you spot this waterfall?

My trusty Kia Soul, to show the scale of how massive the cliffs are in Zion.

“Are the days of winter sunshine just as sad for you, too?
When it is misty, in the evenings, and I am out walking by myself,
it seems to me that the rain is falling through my heart
and causing it to crumble into ruins.”

― Gustave Flaubert

Check out this phenomenal tree! There is a hole that goes straight through it!
I can just imagine it singing Bon Jovi’s “You Give Love a Bad Name”.
Shot through the heart
And you’re to blame
Darling, you give love a bad name…

You can’t quite see them, but there were tons of icicles hanging off the cliffs in this narrow canyon.

Boulders blocking a small waterfall, so it’s flowing against the side of a cliff, around the blockades, and then down.
Don’t mess with water, it does what it wants!

Muddy waters. Remnants of previous flooding.

Waterfall above, and a closer view of the same waterfall below.

“December’s wintery breath is already clouding the pond,
frosting the pane, obscuring summer’s memory…”
― John Geddes

“I’ll fill those canyons in your soul, like a river lead you home.
And I’ll walk a step behind, in the shadows so you shine.
Just ask, it will be done and I will prove my love, until you’re sure that I’m the one.”

– Gary Allan

“There are dark shadows on the earth, but its lights are stronger in the contrast.”
– Charles Dickens

“Winter then in its early and clear stages, was a purifying engine that ran unhindered over city and country,
alerting the stars to sparkle violently and shower their silver light into the arms of bare upreaching trees.
It was a mad and beautiful thing that scoured raw the souls of animals and man, driving them before it until they loved to run.
And what it did to Northern forests can hardly be described,
considering that it iced the branches of the sycamores on Chrystie Street and swept them back and forth until they rang like ranks of bells.”

― Mark Helprin, Winter’s Tale

“Snow was falling,
so much like stars
filling the dark trees
that one could easily imagine
its reason for being was nothing more
than prettiness.”
― Mary Oliver

“That time of year thou mayst in me behold
When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang
Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,
Bare ruin’d choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.
In me thou seest the twilight of such day
As after sunset fadeth in the west,
Which by and by black night doth take away,
Death’s second self, that seals up all in rest.
In me thou see’st the glowing of such fire
That on the ashes of his youth doth lie,
As the death-bed whereon it must expire
Consumed with that which it was nourish’d by.
This thou perceivest, which makes thy love more strong,
To love that well which thou must leave ere long.”
― William Shakespeare, Shakespeare’s Sonnets

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