5 Extreme Household Challenges

“I’ve learned in my life that it’s important to be able to step outside your comfort zone and be challenged with something you’re not familiar or accustomed to. That challenge will allow you to see what you can do.”
-J. R. Martinez

I’m a challenge fanatic. I’m constantly challenging myself and Donovan. Little challenges, big challenges, all sorts of challenges. It’s important to push ourselves. I think for Donovan the scariest words I say are “I have an idea” haha. Donovan has been a good sport though about most challenges and enjoys them. There are still plenty of challenges I want to do that Donovan isn’t quite ready for… yet… biking across the USA, sailing around the world, backpacking the globe etc.

“I just love a challenge, and always have, and will do anything to make it interesting.
I’ll try anything, really, as long as it’s a challenge and you can have some fun doing it.”
-Malcolm McDowell

I’m not suggesting you need to do these exact challenges, I realize they are a bit extreme. BUT, I hope you can be inspired to set some challenges for yourself, however big or small they may be! As you’ll notice, I don’t have deadlines on these challenges. Our goal is to make some of these permanent changes, or just see how long we can stand to keep going haha. (note: I will probably write in depth posts on each challenge soon, about why they are important to us and how we are accomplishing these challenges.)

Here are the 5 Extreme Household Challenges Donovan and I are currently doing.

1. No AC!
We are refraining from using the air conditioner for as long as possible. Which is going to be a pretty hefty challenge considering we live in the southwest USA desert where summer temps are triple digits. We’ve already made it through a 95 degree F day, but it’s not even summer yet, so I’m cautiously optimistic. People have lived for thousands of years without climate controlling their homes, so if they can do it, I can do it. AC units use a ridiculous amount of electricity, which isn’t good for the environment or my bank account.

2. Ditching the Washer and Dryer
I’m attempting to hand wash and line dry ALL of our laundry. We already line dry most things so that part won’t be a challenge. Older washing machines use around 45 gallons of water for one load, and the energy efficient ones use between 15-25 gallons. By hand washing I am using a lot less water, zero electricity, and can easily use the grey water. I’m hoping this one will be a permanent change and that I can eventually sell our washer and dryer, but we’ll see how I’m feeling in a few months time haha. We’ve been at this one for a week and it’s really not bad so far, one might even say it’s actually kind of fun.

3. Taking out the Trash
We are cancelling our garbage removal service. We are in the process of this (the city is being a bit difficult), but once done, we will no longer have a trash can! This will force us to be even better at zero waste and will save us $14.62 per month, $175.44 per year, AND $877.20 over 5 years!

4. Minimal Showers
We are showering with as little water as possible. This will save gas from our water heater, and obviously conserve a lot of water. I’m aiming to do this 95% of the time, because hey, sometimes you need a long, hot relaxing shower. Moderation is important 🙂

5. Level Up on the Garden
We are going to grow more in our garden this season than ever before. If you’ve been to our house or seen pictures, then you’ll know we already have an enormous garden! It’s exciting finding new ways to grow even more crops. (BTW we live in the city on about 1/5 an acre.)

I want to continue getting back to the basics in life. Living even more intentionally and closer to nature. The way most people lived up until these modern times.

If you are going to do some challenges yourself, just remember what Brendon Burchard said, “Challenge is the pathway to engagement and progress in our lives. But not all challenges are created equal. Some challenges make us feel alive, engaged, connected, and fulfilled. Others simply overwhelm us. Knowing the difference as you set bigger and bolder challenges for yourself is critical to your sanity, success, and satisfaction.”

Peace & Love
-Kayla Oliver

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