How to Fix a Bad Day

(note: this post is referring to trivial matters, not serious trials)

It’s totally normal to have a bad day every once in awhile. Life isn’t perfect. People aren’t perfect. There are always ups and downs. What’s important is how you react and deal with those “bad days”. I recently had a bad day… one that ended with a boot on my car and a $115 fine haha. Yes it totally sucked in the moment, but later it really got me thinking about the positive ways I dealt with the day, as well as the things I should’ve done differently. It’s good to be introspective and retrospective, but not so much ineffective to correct your defective, selective, negative perspective. *drops mic*

1. Don’t add fuel to the fire.
It’s only going to make you feel worse if you lose your temper, listen to angry music, or dwell on negative thoughts. Trust me on this. Ever notice how the rage builds the more you think or talk about a problem?

2. Stop complaining.
“If you have a bad day in baseball, and start thinking about it, you will have 10 more.” -Sammy Sosa
So true. It’s the law of attraction baby! What we focus on amplifies. If you are putting out negativity, more negativity is going to come right back to you. So stop ranting on facebook. Dumping negative energy into the world is a lose lose situation. If there is a problem that can be fixed, then by all means, fix the problem and move on!

3. Perspective.
Think about your problem in terms of time and relativity.
My mom taught me to ask myself, “is this going to matter in 50 years? 5 years? 5 days?” The answer 97% of the time is, probably not.
Think of others in the world who have it much worse. The fact that 1 billion CHILDREN are living in poverty should put things into perspective. Write down or say out loud what you are grateful for. List as many as you can. Once again, we want to shift our focus to the positive in life.

4.  Laugh.
Laughter is the best medicine. For many years my philosophy has been “you just gotta laugh about it”. Because sometimes when you are in a crappy situation, laughing is all you can do. Besides, I’d much rather laugh than cry.

5. Do good.
Newsflash: the world doesn’t revolve around you. Get out of your own head. Stop worrying about your problems and instead ask yourself, “what good can I do today?”. It’s amazing how doing a good deed can boost your mood.


Hopefully these tips can help you turn a bad day around. 🙂  Thank you for visiting my blog and for reading this. Peace.

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