Past and Present: Loss and Love

“Life is a full circle, widening until it joins the circle motions of the infinite.”
– Anaïs Nin

(This is the part 2 to Past and Present: Springtime and Ruins)

There are many different kinds of love. None of which are inferior to the other. Every kind of love is paramount. I wrote the poem Love at First Sight about the day my sweet nephew was born. I wrote it in a way that it could be applicable to many different love at first sight scenarios. The beauty of poetry and literature in general is that you have the freedom to interpret however you wish. I also wrote a poem titled Grandpa Smith, about my beloved grandpa whom I recently lost.

I’m learning that life is full of loss and love. New love that comes into your life, love that’s been there a lifetime, and love that crushes you with a painful goodbye.








Love at First Sight

A miracle happened that momentous Spring day,
The day my soul was destined to find you.
Overcome with a great love,
Time froze the moment we met.

As I gazed upon you in that crowded room,
My heart nearly burst as I saw only you.
Marvelous, innocent, and charming.
Elated, my soul soared beyond its existence.

Weeping while I held you in my arms,
Tears of joy and gratitude.
Oh tender love of mine,
You are perfect my beloved darling.

I cherish that precious day,
The day you captivated my heart.
My dearest, It was truly love at first sight.
An enchanting moment, a beautiful love.

Forever, throughout the eternities,
I will adore you,
I will protect you,
I will love you with all of my heart.










Grandpa Smith

Our Grandpa Smith, the best grandpa ever.
He loved his family,
We knew we could count on him whenever.

He often told us stories of his childhood,
He loved Pepsi perhaps more than one should.

He taught us grandkids all a lot.
He loved basketball,
Remember his famous hook shot?

Dance or sports, he was always there to cheer.
He’d call us on our birthdays every year.

He loved his garden, we’ll miss it blooming.
He sang silly songs,
His deep voice always loud and booming

We’ll miss his jokes, like “Guess what I herd?… Sheep!”
These memories we will forever keep.

He really lived, leaving us all in awe,
We’ll miss you Penn Harris, our dear Grandpa.

-Kayla Marie Oliver

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