5 Extreme Household Challenges

“I’ve learned in my life that it’s important to be able to step outside your comfort zone and be challenged with something you’re not familiar or accustomed to. That challenge will allow you to see what you can do.”
-J. R. Martinez

I’m a challenge fanatic. I’m constantly challenging myself and Donovan. Little challenges, big challenges, all sorts of challenges. It’s important to push ourselves. I think for Donovan the scariest words I say are “I have an idea” haha. Donovan has been a good sport though about most challenges and enjoys them. There are still plenty of challenges I want to do that Donovan isn’t quite ready for… yet… biking across the USA, sailing around the world, backpacking the globe etc.

“I just love a challenge, and always have, and will do anything to make it interesting.
I’ll try anything, really, as long as it’s a challenge and you can have some fun doing it.”
-Malcolm McDowell

I’m not suggesting you need to do these exact challenges, I realize they are a bit extreme. BUT, I hope you can be inspired to set some challenges for yourself, however big or small they may be! As you’ll notice, I don’t have deadlines on these challenges. Our goal is to make some of these permanent changes, or just see how long we can stand to keep going haha. (note: I will probably write in depth posts on each challenge soon, about why they are important to us and how we are accomplishing these challenges.)

Here are the 5 Extreme Household Challenges Donovan and I are currently doing.

1. No AC!
We are refraining from using the air conditioner for as long as possible. Which is going to be a pretty hefty challenge considering we live in the southwest USA desert where summer temps are triple digits. We’ve already made it through a 95 degree F day, but it’s not even summer yet, so I’m cautiously optimistic. People have lived for thousands of years without climate controlling their homes, so if they can do it, I can do it. AC units use a ridiculous amount of electricity, which isn’t good for the environment or my bank account.

2. Ditching the Washer and Dryer
I’m attempting to hand wash and line dry ALL of our laundry. We already line dry most things so that part won’t be a challenge. Older washing machines use around 45 gallons of water for one load, and the energy efficient ones use between 15-25 gallons. By hand washing I am using a lot less water, zero electricity, and can easily use the grey water. I’m hoping this one will be a permanent change and that I can eventually sell our washer and dryer, but we’ll see how I’m feeling in a few months time haha. We’ve been at this one for a week and it’s really not bad so far, one might even say it’s actually kind of fun.

3. Taking out the Trash
We are cancelling our garbage removal service. We are in the process of this (the city is being a bit difficult), but once done, we will no longer have a trash can! This will force us to be even better at zero waste and will save us $14.62 per month, $175.44 per year, AND $877.20 over 5 years!

4. Minimal Showers
We are showering with as little water as possible. This will save gas from our water heater, and obviously conserve a lot of water. I’m aiming to do this 95% of the time, because hey, sometimes you need a long, hot relaxing shower. Moderation is important 🙂

5. Level Up on the Garden
We are going to grow more in our garden this season than ever before. If you’ve been to our house or seen pictures, then you’ll know we already have an enormous garden! It’s exciting finding new ways to grow even more crops. (BTW we live in the city on about 1/5 an acre.)

I want to continue getting back to the basics in life. Living even more intentionally and closer to nature. The way most people lived up until these modern times.

If you are going to do some challenges yourself, just remember what Brendon Burchard said, “Challenge is the pathway to engagement and progress in our lives. But not all challenges are created equal. Some challenges make us feel alive, engaged, connected, and fulfilled. Others simply overwhelm us. Knowing the difference as you set bigger and bolder challenges for yourself is critical to your sanity, success, and satisfaction.”

Peace & Love
-Kayla Oliver

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Zion and Bueller?… Bueller?… Bueller?

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
-Ferris Bueller

That was my senior quote in high school.
Ferris Bueller, you’re my hero. I actually ditched so much school that I almost wasn’t able to graduate. I believe in enjoying life. Luckily Donovan has a flexible work schedule, because I often convince him to take the afternoon off work so we can have fun.

“How can I possibly be expected to handle school on a day like this?”
-Ferris Bueller

Life with me is a spontaneous adventure. Yesterday, I got Donovan to leave work early and we spent the day in Zion National Park. We rode our bikes, ate lunch, played in the river, admired wildflowers, did some yoga… a chill day with epic views!

The question isn’t “what are we going to do,” the question is “what aren’t we going to do?”
-Ferris Bueller


We could all learn a lot from Ferris Bueller. Let’s all live life more fully.


“You’re still here? It’s over! Go home. G0.”
-Ferris Bueller

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Live Authentically & Unapologetically (10 Things to Remember)

1. Your life and reality is how you perceive it to be. Good or bad, it’s ultimately your choice.
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” -Helen Keller

2. You don’t owe anyone explanations. 

3. You don’t need permission to be who you want to be. You also aren’t obligated to have the same interests or be the same person you were in the past.

4. It’s not your duty to look good for anyone.  

5. You are in charge of your own happiness. It is your responsibility and yours alone.

6. Dare to like what you like. Don’t concern yourself with other’s opinions. Because really, who’s to say something is in style, out of style, cool, or uncool?

7. Live your life authentically and unapologetically. Women especially apologize incessantly over the most ridiculous things that don’t need an apology.

8. Don’t put yourself down. You should acknowledge fabulous hair days instead of complaining about the “bad” ones.

9. Give people the benefit of the doubt and take most things as a compliment. The majority of people mean well.

10. “Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Handwritten Letters

I want to start writing more letters. The old fashioned kind, handwritten and sent in the mail. Would anyone be interested in receiving letters from me? If you are, please send me a message on instagram or email me at thebohemianlife.co@gmail.com




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Trail Etiquette: 10 Suggestions

Hiking is great. I like hiking. Hiking is even better when those around you have good etiquette! Now I’m not really one for rules, so here are 10 “suggestions” of ways to have good trail etiquette. 


1. Leave No Trace
Don’t litter. Leave the place looking better than when you arrived. 

2. Talk Quietly
Trust me, not everyone wants to hear drama, obnoxious screams, and vulgarity etc. Use your indoor voice while outside (haha) so we can all enjoy the birds singing and the sound of trees dancing in the wind.

3. No Smoking
Smoking is banned in most National & State Park areas, smoking increases the risk of forest fires, AND most people *gasp* actually want to enjoy the fresh air, not secondhand smoke.

4. No Loud Music
I love music, I really do! But usually not when I’m out hiking. It distracts from being connected with nature. If you really need to jam, try using this magical thing called headphones, or at the very least, turn your backpack speakers to a lower volume. 

5. Don’t Hog the Trail 
Be courteous and let others pass. If you are hiking in a group, hike in a single file line instead of forcing others off the trail.

6. Don’t Disturb or Harm Plant or Wildlife
Do your best to stick to trails and avoid stomping on plants. Don’t feed or scare wildlife.

7. Pet Responsibility 
Keep your dog on a leash when others are around. Dogs can easily spook horses and wildlife, some people are seriously afraid of dogs, and other’s hiking with their dogs will appreciate it. For your pet’s safety too it’s a good idea. Also, pick up their poop.

8. Respect Other Photographers
At populated view points, get your shot and then step aside so others have the opportunity to snap some cool pics too.

9. Be Friendly
Smile, say hi, help others out when they are in need… You know, basic human kindness.

10. Try Going Electronic Free
Do yourself a favor and occasionally put down the electronics. Allow yourself to take it all in, meditate, and enjoy nature without distractions.

“All you need is Mother Earth, Father Sky, and your dear old Uncle Tony.”
– Tony Perkis, Heavy Weights


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Appearance & Illusion

“What the eyes see and the ears hear,
the mind believes.”
-Harry Houdini

The other night I had a dream I was at my sister’s house. Our late mother was there and offered to make us green smoothies. I watched as she put one single baby spinach leaf in the blender, an enormous amount of ice cream, then added some green food coloring. Yes, technically it was a green colored drink, but it was definitely not a healthy green smoothie. (I have weird dreams.) There are so many instances in life where appearances can be deceiving. It’s important to pull back the curtain and see the truth.

 Sometimes the great Wizard of Oz is just a man. 

We live in an age of photoshop, snapchat filters, autotune, deceiving advertising, fake online profiles etc.

It seems almost everything is staged and contrived. All an illusion.

There are many items in grocery stores and even health food stores that are labeled and marketed as healthy. Then when you look at the ingredients they are horrific. It’s important to do research, read the fine print, and wise up to marketing tricks. Things aren’t always what they appear to be.

To quote the incredible Henry David Thoreau,
“Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.”


The grass is greener on the other side, you get there and it’s not grass at all, it’s AstroTurf!
The grass is greener wherever it gets watered and cared for.

Neighbors who look rich, but are actually drowning in debt.
Neighbors who are actually rich because they’ve made smart decisions.


We don’t need to concern ourselves so much with what others are doing. As a society we’ve become obsessed with social media and what everyone else is doing all of the time.
I’m not saying we shouldn’t be inspired by others, develop friendships, enjoy entertainment, or daydream. There is certainly a time and place for illusions. They can be a coping mechanism, stress reliever, or just plain fun.

There is a huge difference between indulging imagination and being deceived. 

“Therefore trust to thy heart, and to what the world calls illusions.”
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Peace & Love

-Kayla Oliver



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Lava Tubes at Snow Canyon

“One does not simply walk into Mordor.
Its Black Gates are guarded by more than just Orcs.
There is evil there that does not sleep, and the Great Eye is ever watchful.
It is a barren wasteland, riddled with fire and ash and dust,
the very air you breathe is a poisonous fume.
Not with ten thousand men could you do this. It is folly.”

– Boromir, The Lord of the Rings

The lava tubes at Snow Canyon State Park are types of caves that were created by lava. There are a few different trails you can take to get the lava tubes. To get there you can take the Butterfly trail, the Lava Flow trail, or string together a few different connecting trails like we did if you want a longer hike. It’s a bit spooky exploring inside the caves. I felt like I was in Mordor. If you check these out, make sure you take the necessary safety precautions and don’t forget flashlights/headlamps!

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Johnson Canyon & Drops of Jupiter

“Now that she’s back in the atmosphere
With drops of Jupiter in her hair,
She acts like summer and walks like rain
Reminds me that there’s time to change,
Since the return from her stay on the moon
She listens like spring and she talks like June”
– Train

Walking through ancient lava fields, alongside a creek bed, and into a serene canyon where the echo of hawks is amplified off the sandstone walls. An impressive 200 foot arch sprawls above us. Johnson Canyon is a paradise in the desert.

Johnson Canyon is located just outside the fee area of Snow Canyon State Park in Utah. It’s a short two mile hike that is pretty easy and very beautiful. You must hike this in the fall/winter though because the trail is closed every year from March 15 to September 14.

I’ve been trying to be consistent with posting on this blog as well as on instagram, but I do have strings of time where I go AWOL. I miss my mom. When waves of grief engulf me, it feels paralyzing. I withdraw and lose motivation to keep up with everything in life. I do eventually pick myself up and keep pushing forward. Please just hang in there with me when I momentarily disappear.

The lead singer of Train, Patrick Monahan, lost his mother to cancer too. The opening lines of Drops of Jupiter came to him in a dream. He said, “The process of creation wasn’t easy. I just couldn’t figure out what to write, but then I woke up from a dream about a year after my mother passed away with the words ‘back in the atmosphere…It was just her way of saying what it was like – she was swimming through the planets and came to me with drops of Jupiter in her hair.”

“Tell me did the wind sweep you off your feet
Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day
And head back to the milky way
And tell me, did Venus blow your mind
Was it everything you wanted to find
And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there”
– Train


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